Directed by Sarah Guinee
Performance Dates October 11-20, 2024
Imprisoned on the Isle of the Lost – home of the most infamous villains who ever lived – the teenaged children of Maleficent, the Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruella De Vil have never ventured off the island… until now. When the four troublemakers are sent to attend prep school alongside the children of beloved Disney heroes, they have a difficult choice to make: should they follow in their parents’ wicked footsteps or learn to be good?
SPOTLIGHT SPONSOR: Dr. Ellen Turney - Family Dentistry
Disney's Descendants: The Musical is also presented in part by Johnny Passmore- Realtor, Coldwell Banker RPM Group, Haynes Ace Hardware, and the Conway Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Directed by Sarah Guinee
Performance Dates October 11-20, 2024
Imprisoned on the Isle of the Lost – home of the most infamous villains who ever lived – the teenaged children of Maleficent, the Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruella De Vil have never ventured off the island… until now. When the four troublemakers are sent to attend prep school alongside the children of beloved Disney heroes, they have a difficult choice to make: should they follow in their parents’ wicked footsteps or learn to be good?
SPOTLIGHT SPONSOR: Dr. Ellen Turney - Family Dentistry
Disney's Descendants: The Musical is also presented in part by Johnny Passmore- Realtor, Coldwell Banker RPM Group, Haynes Ace Hardware, and the Conway Convention and Visitors Bureau.